
A Trio of Short Stories from the world of The Unredeemables

July 11, 2024

Trust Me Tonight (Follow-up to Master of Lies)

Jed and Freya are struggling to find a new normal together at their romantic mountain hideaway, after going through unspeakable danger together. They are wildly in love, but Jed can’t let his guard down after everything that’s happened…not with danger still on the loose.

So Freya just has to persuade him to let it down, by any means necessary…

No Loose Ends (Follow-up to Master of Secrets)

Ethan and Kat have gone through the fire together, and their love has been forged into something beautiful and unbreakable—but lingering threats from Kat’s troubled past continue to haunt her.

Ethan cannot rest until he has put those threats exactly where they belong…

Shining Through (Follow-up to Master of Chaos)

After languishing in a psychopath’s dungeon for over a year, Shane Masters is finally free. He’d been sprung by the stunning, fiery Cass, and together, they ended their tormenter, and won true freedom.

But the world is knocking on their door. They have to find a way to face whatever comes next for them, but this time, they face it together…

Master of Chaos

January 8, 2024

She’s as beautiful as a fallen angel…

I don’t know how long I’ve been locked in Halliwell’s dungeon. That psycho billionaire is still trying pry my brother Ethan’s all-powerful algorithm, SmokeScreen, out of me. The only escape is death. I’m ready. More than ready.

Then the redhead sneaks in. Smart, sexy, smoking hot, even through a six-inch wall of reinforced glass. She’s doing me no favors. Making me feel again when I’m better off numb. Maybe she’s acting, maybe I’m hallucinating, but now Halliwell has decided to put me down … and just when I start wanting to live again.

The redhead might be my way out—but only at a price I can’t afford to pay …

He’s as deadly as a caged tiger …

I shouldn’t be poking around in the secret depths of Owen Halliwell’s headquarters. The guy might be my biological father, but I’d known that he was a monster even before I saw Shane Masters, the prisoner down in Level Eight. Before my knees started to quake, and my heart to gallop like a herd of wild horses.

I’m stuck in this hellhole for my own reasons. My little sister has a rare disease, and Halliwell has strong-armed me into writing malware for him in exchange for a cure. It’s keeping her alive, yes, but this place is next-level toxic.

Even multiple layers of security and the obscene shock collar can’t diminish the power emanating from that man. Then I discover that the algorithm Shane refuses to reveal could save my sister…and that Halliwell has scheduled his execution.

That can’t happen. I have to break him out. He’s a commando warrior, furiously angry, completely unpredictable. He could be my salvation. He could be my ruin.

All I can do is roll the dice …

Master of Secrets

April 11, 2023

She’s temptation incarnate…

Worst idea ever. No matter how stunning she was.

I’m keeping my head down, running my cyber security empire. After my younger brother Shane was abducted last year, I’m just concentrating on keeping what’s left of my family alive. I’m also hunting down those bastards who took Shane. I will find them, and I will gut them. That challenging task occupies all of my brain power.

I don’t have extra time and energy to get blindsided at a business meeting by Kat Travis, the seductively beautiful secretary. It’s such a freaking cliché, it embarrasses me. Besides, getting anywhere near me puts her in real danger, and I won’t do that to a helpless, innocent woman.

Thing is, Kat is anything but innocent, or helpless…

That arrogant bastard…

Okay, so maybe flirting with the drop-dead handsome tycoon Ethan Masters was not the smartest move on my first day of a new temp job. It’s the height of slutty irresponsibility to let some unsuspecting guy stumble into contact with the toxic shit-show that was my life, just because he’s tall, dark, mysterious and hot.

Before I know what’s going on, I’m getting yelled at, insulted, and fired. No surprise, the way my life tends to go, but the death squad that jumps me and the tycoon in the elevator afterward? That seems a bit over the top, even for me.

But surprise, surprise…Masters fights like a demon. We click into perfect synch, kicking ass together, which is very exciting, at least until he goes all alpha on me and drags me into his helicopter. He sweeps me off to his luxury lair, against my will. Dick move.

I’ll teach that man that I can’t be bought—I’ve gone through far too much to put up with stupid shit from an overbearing man. But soon we’re facing off against brutal and relentless enemies…not the best time to deal with uncontrollable desire. And other feelings that neither one of us know how to process, or even put into words. Not while Death is stalking us. Hell, even if it wasn’t.

But the stakes are rising by the minute…and Death is gaining ground…

Master of Lies

February 16, 2023

Deadly. Relentless. Cold as ice.

Jed Clearwater is one of the Unredeemables, an elite group of ex-Special Forces warriors who bonded in combat and promised to have each other’s backs forever. Or so he said…until he sold my brother Shane out for money.

He’s never looked at me, but I’ve wanted him since I was a child. I tracked the bastard down, to a maximum security prison. He knows where Shane was taken, and I’ll do anything to get that intel. Even seduce him…insofar as I can seduce a man who’s locked behind bars.

I hate that I still lust after my brother’s killer. I can’t even hide it. I might as well use these emotions I can’t control to get what I want. I’ll be safe enough. That hard, muscular body and those smoldering eyes will be behind bulletproof glass. He’ll be cuffed, shackled…controlled.

What’s the worst he could do?

She’s drawing down the lightning…

What was it about me and crazy bad luck? The gorgeous bombshell’s timing could not have been shittier. The day of my prison break, a sexpot who fixates on felons struts into the visiting chamber, picks up the phone, and blows my freaking mind with her scorching sexual fantasies.

I’m so close to getting the info I need to track down my kidnapped friend and clear my name, but this luminous blonde has just made my enemies sit up and take notice. So on top of everything else, now I have to scramble to pull her gorgeous ass out of the fire, too.

Now we’re on the run together, one step ahead of total mayhem. She’s the most seductive woman I’ve ever come across, but I can’t let down my guard.

Because mayhem is gaining ground fast…