
Two Short Tales from the World of the McClouds & Friends

July 11, 2024

Spreading Her Wings (A Follow-up to Behind Closed Doors)

Raine Lazar has been through hell and survived. Now Fate demands that she be the one to manage her deceased uncle’s ill-gotten gains and use the money to redress all the wrongs that he did. At the same time, she’s learning to wrangle her new husband, the complicated, fascinating, scorchingly sexy Seth Mackey.

It’s a tall order, but she’s determined to rise to the occasion…

Pushing Their Luck (A Follow-up to Fatal Strike)

Miles and Lara still can’t believe they got through their wild, near-lethal adventures intact and amazingly, together. They’re retreated to rest and heal at a remote luxury resort in Bali, with a tree-house and a private beach. They’re alive, they’re in love, and they’re going to relax and enjoy each other properly if it’s the last thing they do.

But damned if relaxing doesn’t end up a trickier proposition than they ever dreamed …

In for the Kill

March 21, 2014

Years ago, the McClouds and their friends rescued little Sveti Ardova from ruthless organ traffickers. Now she’s all grown up, and getting into some scorching trouble of her own…

He can’t keep his distance…

Ex-cop Sam Petrie had been warned. He knew that getting involved with the McCloud brothers’ affairs would run his life right over a cliff. But one look at the fearless, beautiful young trouble magnet, Svetlana Ardova, the McCloud clan’s precious protégé, just drove that sage advice right out of his mind. Now, with his police detective career derailed, he finds that Sveti is putting herself in the crosshairs once again, on a potentially deadly trip to Italy. So he offers himself up as her bodyguard. What could possibly go wrong?

She’s afraid to be touched…

Sveti’s trauma runs deep. Rescued by the McClouds and their friends from ruthless organ pirates, her tireless crusade against human trafficking has made her a target for criminal scum around the world, but it doesn’t faze her, since she doesn’t really fear death. The only thing that does faze her is Sam Petrie. The smoldering hunger in his dark gaze makes her feel vulnerable, naked. Incredibly alive.

Then a fresh attack against her sends Sam into hyper-protective mode. In that forced proximity, Sam and Sveti can’t resist the blistering heat that flares between them. But now they’re moving in on an explosive secret—one that could either redeem them or destroy them…and their lethal opponent will not rest until Sveti is silenced forever…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Fatal Strike

July 8, 2013

The McCloud brothers have been coaching their protégé, Miles Davenport, for years. It’s finally time for him to claim his own place in their group—and his own love.

Her eyes haunt him….

All that Miles knows about the beautiful young sculptor Lara Kirk is that she was abducted by a madman, in order to punish her parents for their sins. She’s an orphan now, and everyone else on earth who might have fought to find her is dead, so it’s up to him to help her now. Miles is all out of leads, but he is tormented by dreams of Lara…dreams that are starting to feel shockingly real. So real, he decides to try following them…

She can’t separate dreams from reality…

Lara Kirk’s been locked in a cell for months. The only thing that has kept her clinging to sanity by a thread is the stunning, avenging savior in her dreams…the one who can’t possibly be anything but a fantasy. So she tells herself, until the brawny young warrior bursts into her prison and sweeps her away, against all odds.

Lara can’t help but bond with the intense, protective Miles. But their wild passion is a dangerous distraction, and the stakes keep getting higher as Lara and Miles battle with an unimaginable evil that threatens everything they care about…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Behind Closed Doors

June 4, 2013


Surveillance expert Seth Mackey knows everything about the women that his millionaire boss toys with–and tosses aside. Raine Cameron is something different. Night after night, Seth watches her on a dozen different video screens. Her vulnerable beauty haunts him and her fresh innocence stirs a white-hot passion that he can barely control. Raine is pure temptation, but Seth has something more important to take care of first. He’s convinced that his boss, Victor Lazar, is responsible for his half-brother’s murder. He cannot put his secret investigation at risk, but he can’t stop wanting her–craving her–and soon he knows he can’t let Victor have her. For Raine may be Victor’s next victim…


Raine knows she’s being watched–but no one can see the secrets in her heart. She has reasons of her own to seek revenge on Victor Lazar, and she will, despite her fear–and the distracting presence of Seth Mackey. Though Raine has little experience with men, Seth’s fiercely masculine good looks and animal sensuality stir her most erotic fantasies when she’s alone . . . and lead her to a bold plan. Offering her body to him, surrendering totally to his ruthless desire might well push her beyond all emotional limits–and beyond fear itself.

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Standing In The Shadows

June 4, 2013

In Behind Closed Doors, you were introduced to Seth’s partners, the sexy and dangerous McCloud brothers…and now it’s Connor McCloud’s turn to face the fire…

She haunts his dreams…

Ex-FBI agent Connor McCloud barely survived being set up to die by a trusted friend and fellow agent, Ed Riggs. That disaster cost him not only his partner Jesse’s life, but his hopes of winning the love of Erin, Ed’s beautiful, studious daughter. She would never be with the man who had put her father in prison.

Forever out of reach…

Erin is hanging on by her fingernails. Her father is disgraced and imprisoned, her mother and sister are falling apart, the scandal has cost her a job she loved as a museum curator, and the man she’s secretly craved for years is responsible for all of it. When an opportunity comes up to appraise a trove of priceless Celtic artifacts for a rich, reclusive, she leaps at the chance. Maybe things are starting to look up.

Then Connor discovers that his old nemesis, Kurt Novak, is back, hungry for payback…and that Erin is his weapon of choice. He has no choice but to leap into action, whether Erin trusts him or not, whether she hates him or not. Nothing matters but protecting the woman he loves from a vengeful, sadistic killer…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Out of Control

June 3, 2013

In Behind Closed Doors and Standing in the Shadows, Shannon McKenna introduced the McCloud Brothers: intense, rugged, super-sexy, and deliciously sensual. Now, Davy McCloud is about to meet a woman he can’t trust–or live without . . . 

Don’t get too close…

That’s P.I. Davy McCloud’s unwavering rule when it comes to women. He likes to keep his world strictly under control. But when the seductive and fascinating Margot Vetter starts teaching at the gym next door, his ironclad rules go straight to hell. He can’t control the hunger she awakens in him, or the powerful instinct to protect her…and then claim her as his own.

On the run…

Margot’s been framed for murder. Broke and desperate, she has no choice but to ask Davy McCloud’s help. But the closer she gets to this sexy, enigmatic man, the harder it becomes to hold anything back from him…at all. Or even remember why she’s trying to.

But it’s a bad time to be blindsided by passion, because the monstrous evil lurking in Margot’s past is running her down fast. Soon they’ll be fighting back to back, just to stay alive…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Extreme Danger

June 3, 2013

Nick Ward was one of Connor McCloud’s fellow FBI agents. Now he’s working on an investigation of his own, but Tam Steele and the McClouds always have his back…

Trained assassin…or clueless innocent?

That’s the dilemma facing Nick Ward when he drags the gorgeous, dripping, naked girl out of the swimming pool at midnight on the deserted vacation island. But innocent or not, she’s pure bad luck for Nick. Even if she’s not a merciless honeypot assassin, her presence at this top secret meeting will destroy his long-planned undercover operation, and probably get them both killed. And her luscious beauty just makes it that much worse…

She won’t back down…

Skinny-dipping in a neighbor’s pool is about as naughty as hopeless good girl Becca Cattrall has ever tried to be. But suddenly she’s at the mercy of a grim, dangerous stranger with a foul mouth and smoldering eyes…a man who steals her breath and makes her heart stutter…a man scheduled to meet with a mafiya boss who will never let her live to tell the tale.

Nick impulsively blows his cover to save Becca’s skin, but he can’t keep her hidden forever…and he can’t stay away from her, either. And now, to make matters worse, she wants to save him, too. So when hell comes calling, she’s not running….

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Ultimate Weapon

June 3, 2013

Ever since she was introduced as Mara in Behind Closed Doors, the mysterious and prickly Tamara Steele has been working in the background, slowly gaining the McClouds’ trust. Now it’s time for her to step into the spotlight, for her wildest adventure yet…

A life of lies….

Covert operative Val Janos has spent his whole life in the shadows. He’s as handsome as he is lethal, trained to use sex as a tool and a weapon. Which makes him the perfect operative to hunt down the beautiful-but-deadly Tamara Steele.

Too much to lose…

Tam is wanted for her misdeeds worldwide, sought by law enforcement agencies and criminal syndicates alike, but now she has tiny Rachel to worry about, a toddler she’s rescued from organ traffickers. She keeps up her guard even with the McClouds, the only people she dares to call friends, and she has no time for flirtation, whether Janos is just a gigolo lightweight, or something far more ominous.

But the passion that suddenly ignites at Val’s touch takes her utterly by surprise.

Val, too, is blindsided, and not only by ravenous lust. He feels for her, more than he’s ever felt anything, But Tam’s enemies have Val in a vice grip. Daddy Novak has discovered Val’s weak spot—Imre, the old man who befriended Val when he was a street kid, who taught him what mercy felt like. Imre will suffer horribly if Val fails to deliver Tam into Novak’s grasp.

No matter what Val does now, he’s damned…but these two don’t know how to give up the fight—not even with Death himself…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Fade to Midnight

June 3, 2013

When The McCloud brothers discover that their long lost brother Kev is alive, nothing on earth will keep them from finding him…

No memories, only scars…

Kev Larson has no clue what his real name is. He was found in a warehouse alley eighteen years ago, beaten and tortured, and has no memory of what came before. But when a head injury triggers fragments of his lost memories, they lead him straight to the beautiful, elusive Edie Parrish. She guards his shattered dreams like an angel of mercy, and after one look at her, Kev can’t look away—no matter the cost…

He haunts her deepest fantasies…

Edie Parrish learned the hard way to keep people at a distance. Her inconvenient psychic talent gets her into constant trouble. Then Fade Shadowseeker, the mysterious scarred hero of her acclaimed graphic novel series, walks right into one of her book-signing events, larger than life and infinitely sexier. Edie can’t push him away …no matter the risk.

Kev and Edie are overwhelmed by the desire that consumes them…but the monsters hiding behind Kev’s blocked memories are starting to stir, hungry for blood. Now Kev and Edie must struggle to protect each other long enough to unravel a shocking secret, before it’s too late…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Blood and Fire

June 3, 2013

Now that the McClouds have finally found their long lost brother Kev, they have to contend with Kev’s prickly, intense adopted brother Bruno…

Her secrets tantalize him…

Bruno Ranieri has a lot in common with his adopted brother Kev McCloud’s newly discovered biological family, right down to the dangerous secrets in his past—the ones that are about to explode in his face.

Bruno’s working around the clock to keep his own toy business going, while also saving the family diner. Then the stunning fugitive Lily Parr shows up in the middle of the night, on the run from mysterious killers. Bruno is helplessly drawn to her…but Lily insists that Bruno’s long dead mother is somehow mixed up her troubles, which is flat-out impossible. The woman has to be hallucinating…but the violence that overtakes them is undeniably real.

Running scared…

Lily doesn’t know where to turn. All she knows is that whoever murdered her dad is now after her—and her dad’s last words pointed her toward Bruno Ranieri’s family for answers. When thugs attack outside of Bruno’s family diner, he fights like a demon to defend her. No matter his doubts, he can’t leave her unprotected, and soon they are both drawn into a desperate struggle against violence and greed, and a desire they cannot deny, or control…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

One Wrong Move

June 3, 2013

Alex Aaro should have known better than to get embroiled in the McCloud crowd’s wild adventures. He knew damn well it was a surefire way to get his life blown all to hell.

Never let down your guard…

Alex Aaro keeps the world at arm’s length. It’s the only way to protect himself from the Arbatovs, his dangerous Mafiya family. He ran away when he was sixteen, but when he learns that his Aunt Tonya, the only family member he ever trusted, is dying, he has to see her one last time. Things are tough enough without his friend Bruno Ranieri calling, demanding that he help some woman friend of Bruno’s wife who’s gotten her sorry ass into trouble. Being in Brooklyn already, he happens to be closest, lucky him. Aaro didn’t expect her to be so damn pretty. But he’s not surprised by the violence that engulfs them as soon as he finds her. That’s just how life goes for him.

The sting of a needle…

Nina Christie is terrified when Helga, an old family friend shows up outside the battered woman’s shelter where she works, babbling in Ukrainian, and sticks Nina with a needle full of God knows what. Then Helga collapses, giving Nina no explanation. Suddenly a ruthless crime syndicate is trying to destroy her, and all that stands in their way is the grim, inscrutable Alex Aaro, that tall, rock-hard, flint-eyed, stunningly gorgeous slab of manhood who makes her heart race and her breath catch. There’s no time for any of that, with their enemies hard on their heels…but Aaro and Nina can’t resist the scorching desire that flares between them, even as they scramble to solve the puzzle and outmaneuver their pursuers before it’s too late…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.

Edge of Midnight

April 18, 2013

We’ve met Seth, Connor and Davy already…now it’s wild boy Sean McCloud’s turn to take center stage in the McClouds & Friends series

He tried to forget her…

Sean McCloud tried to put the past behind him, but he’s haunted by that disastrous day, years ago, that he lost his twin brother and was forced to brutally drive away Liv Endicott, the girl he loved, to protect her from a ruthless killer. It almost broke him…but he did what he had to do…and she lived.

Then Sean discovers that Liv is coming home to open a bookstore in their hometown. The news electrifies and terrifies him, and nothing on earth can keep him from going to her.

She can’t help wanting him…

What were the odds? The very day that a stalker arsonist torches her brand new bookstore, Sean McCloud appears, striding through the smoke and rubble like an avenging angel.
It doesn’t help that the bastard is as stunning and charismatic as he ever was. Liv still craves his touch, but she knows better than to trust him, ever again.

But the ruthless killer from their past has finally caught Liv’s scent, after all these years. He won’t stop until she’s dead, and now the only way for Sean and Liv to survive is to join forces and somehow trust each other, to uncover the shocking truth before it’s too late…

Note: This is a slightly revised and reissued edition.